Voice 1 — Fall ’24

Do you get told by teachers or directors to ‘speak up‘ or ‘project‘?
Do you struggle authentically feeling or expressing large emotions on stage? Have you ever noticed how singers, dancers, and athletes warm up, and wondered how you could do the same for acting?
Are you good at faking it, but want to see if there’s something more to good acting?
If your answer to any of these questions was yes, keep reading.

VOICE 1 is an 8-week course running Sundays, 4pm-7pm between October 20th – December 8th @ Spotlight Theater and Dance Studio.

This class will leave you empowered with a clearer understanding of your voice and body, tools for releasing areas of blockage that inhibit your free expression, and a recording of a quick, effective warm-up to keep and use for any future auditions, rehearsals, or performances.

Week 1—  Shared Goals and Community Agreement / Animal Meetings and Greetings
Week 2—  How the Voice Works (and why sometimes it doesn’t) / the Touch of Sound
Week 3—  Anatomy of the Diaphragm / Gathering and Releasing Vibrations
Week 4—  The Jaw:  meeting, relieving, and jiggling / Introduce Haiku
Week 5—  The Tongue:  meeting, stretching, and loosening / Drop-In Haiku
Week 6—  The Soft Palate:  exercising and enlivening
Week 7—  Resonators: The Chest, Mouth, and Teeth
Week 8—  Record Warmup / Share Haiku

VOICE 1 will take you half-way through the standard Linklater Progression and will be a requirement for attending the VOICE 2 class in Spring 2025.  If you’re unsure about taking level 1 without level 2, don’t worry.  The techniques you learn stand alone and will help you regardless of any further study.

Supporter Tuition makes Supplemented Tuition possible. Please consider this amount if you are able. 2 Full Scholarships are available per class.
Space is limited.  Sign up below to reserve your slot!

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